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Using Canva in Your Online Business

Already using Canva for your social media posts? Then you'll love our Canva tips for online courses!

The Canva graphic design platform lets you create the most beautiful visual content for your online course that goes far beyond social media posts - without needing any design or technical skills. Our tips are aimed at more experienced Canva users who know the basics and are now looking for some helpful insider tips and Canva hacks. Here we go!

1. Create Your Logo

Use Canva in your online business.

We created our logo in Canva and you can too! For example, use the element search and enter the initials of your (brand) name or a term that fits you and your course. Canva suggests numerous graphics and images, which you can often customize in shape and color. Play with other shapes, elements, and fonts until you like the logo.

Save it with a transparent background and upload it again under "Brand Documents" in a folder for logos and designs. This way, you can quickly insert it anywhere, such as in your video thumbnails.

2. Create Attractive YouTube and Video Thumbnails

For your YouTube/video thumbnails, you can insert your logo, as well as other images, shadows, fonts, and more. An even more specific selection of images and elements is created when you align the color filter to your brand colors. Canva then shows you images that contain the colors of the selected color spectrum. You can then use these images as backgrounds for your thumbnail.

By the way, if you can't think of any new keywords, you can make changes to the language in the filter function to get a different selection of images and elements.

Frames (the elements with the landscape as a background) are used so that you can insert photos and videos without having to crop them yourself. You can place a photo of yourself in a box, circle, or other frame without having to adjust it. For a 3D effect, you can add a shadow.

You might also want to add some writing as a border. To do this, write your desired text in a text field and select the option to display the text as a curve under Effect. You can set the size of the curve and for a modern look, you can also increase the distance between the letters so that they stand further apart. Mepreneur Extra Tip: If you like an image or graphic, you can add it directly to a folder of your choice using the three dots. This way you can find it faster and use it for other designs as well.

3. Use Canva For Your Masterclass

We use Canva for our free Masterclass presentations. Sign up at and check out the online Business Minimalism Training. Here you'll learn how to build your online business in a lean and minimalistic way and cut all unnecessary tasks as well as see how we designed the slides with Canva.

You can choose from numerous templates, share the slides with your team members and even play them right in Canva as a presentation without having to download them. You can save them as PowerPoint or PDF. The only downside - presentations created with Canva are limited to 100 pages and 300 icons.

4. Create Mockups For Your Freebie And Online Course

To create a free workbook mockup with Canva, you need the workbook as a PDF, which you can also create and design with Canva. Next, save the cover of the freebie as an image file (e.g. PNG) and open a new template. Use a frame (the shapes with the landscape image in the background, if you remember ;-)) in iPad, desktop, or smartphone format and paste the cover of your freebie there. An additional shadow under the frame will make the mockup look more real.

For your course, you can use similar frames that show it's a digital product. Include images from your course here (e.g. graphics, screenshots of worksheets, members area) that show your potential customers what to expect from you. People prefer to buy from people, add a photo of yourself.

Choose a photo that clearly shows you and edit it with Canva's background remover. This feature automatically crops you out so that only you are visible, no background. The mockup becomes really exciting when you add an animation to it. To do this, simply select the entire image and choose a pan or something similar under Animations. Finally, save it as a video.

With Canva, you can create high-quality and modern visuals for your online business even without any design or technical knowledge. We hope that one or two tips inspired you to create your own visuals quickly and easily. Use your Mepreneur UPLEVEL application to learn how to use visuals specifically for your marketing, based on sales psychology, and build profitable group coaching programs that can be elegantly automated. You'll learn how to get year-round signups without having to make sales calls. We look forward to seeing you!

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